Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

ramus mandibulae (par)

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Top level systema skeletale Short Extended
Level 2 ossa cranii Short Extended
Level 3 mandibula Short Extended
Current level ramus mandibulae (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
52828 749 tax
ramus mandibulae (par)
branch of mandible (pair)
59459 750 tax
angulus mandibulae (par)
angle of mandible (pair)
75785 751 tax
(tuberositas masseterica (par) )
(masseteric tuberosity (pair) )
75786 752 tax
tuberositas pterygoidea (par)
pterygoid tuberosity (pair)
53172 753 tax
foramen mandibulae (par) ; foramen alveolare inferius (par)
mandibular foramen (pair) ; inferior alveolar foramen (pair)
59470 754 tax
lingula mandibulae (par)
lingula of mandible (pair)
59473 755 tax
canalis mandibulae (par)
mandibular canal (pair)
59448 756 tax
sulcus mylohyoideus (par)
mylohyoid sulcus (pair)
52833 757 tax
processus coronoideus (par)
coronoid process (pair)
59484 758 tax
crista temporalis (par)
temporal crest (pair)
59481 759 tax
incisura (par)
mandibular notch (pair)
52836 760 tax
processus condylaris mandibulae (par)
condylar process of mandible (pair)
59331 761 tax
caput mandibulae (par) ; condylus mandibulae (par)
head of mandible (pair) ; mandibular condyle (pair)
59332 762 tax
collum mandibulae (par)
neck of mandible (pair)
59478 763 tax
fovea pterygoidea (par)
pterygoid fovea (pair)
15 lines
73.3 %
100.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Since there are other foramina in the mandibula, it has been suggested to use the term Foramen alveolare inferius for the Foramen mandibulae, according to its contents, the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle (Buch 2011 Clin Anat 24:515-517).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 749
Number of children 44 (validated)
Number of units 15 (validated)
Signature 916 (validated since 3.7.2024)
Date: 04.07.2024